Javisa Infotech : Creating Better Future
Always give 100% at work
E-Publishing (PDF to MS Word Typing Work)
We are here to help to those people who have skill of work on computer for at least 4 to 6 hours and who having good vocabulary skill in English and can type 20-25 wpm then we are here to appoint those people with us who may earn 6000 to 9000 per month. Initially we are trying to start up with those people who can give their best in simple typing work later we will bring ample kind of online or offline work to give best flow of work and can have little effort to eradicate unemployment in our coal city. We just expect only smart work with 100% punctuality and attention on work and we promise to give you employment.
Now question arises in every mind some sort of questions which we assumed and tried to give answer with our best effort.
Q1 How I can join for this project work?
Simply you may either whatsapp on 9102008755 or visit our web-site : javisainfotech.in as soon as once you say “Hi” in whatsapp one automatically message will come which will with a link to fill the form. Make sure while filling the form all detail must be filled and upload file after scanning and photo must be passport size otherwise application will be considered as blunder.
Q2 Is any registration fee or association fee is required to join with this project work?
Yes, You will have to pay initially Rs 200/- (Two Hundred only) while submitting the form whose receipt will be given afterward then you will have to go for typing test where our team will judge your typing skill and we require 20-25 wpm and 94% accuracy.
Q3 If I fail in typing test then what will happen with my given registration fee?
You not need to worry for and we will have another program where you may improve your typing skill for the same you will undergo training where our training team will train you typing skill and all.
Q4 Is there any fee will be charged for typing practice?
Yes you will have to pay the sum of Rs 1200/- (Twelve Hundred only) then your name will be sent to training team who will assist you to give typing practice and knowledge of MS Word which you might already have but we require some sort of advanced MS Word skill hence you will be trained as per our measurement.
Q5 If we pass typing test?
Congrats! You will be asked to face second round where you will be asked some sort of questions MS Office related (20-25 questions) and we require 80% out of 100% to pass the second round. As soon you pass the second round then you will go for 3rd round where we will ask you let do something in PC related to MS Word work basically.
Q6 After passing all round?
Congrats! once again We will onboard with you and give you work there we will give you only product training for 2 days maximum thereafter you work will be measured by our quality team where you have to maintain at least 65% accuracy on work for 1st month then 75% accuracy on 2nd month then 95% accuracy 3rd month.
Q7 After training program whether we will get job directly or get certification?
Yes once your training will over thereafter one certification will be held by training team there you will have to obtain 94% accuracy and 20-25 wpm speed in typing. As training certifies you then please follow the above Q6.
Q8 Is there any target to continue with this project?
Yes obviously every work adhere target and we are also in same platform but it’s not to sell anything just give your best and type 10 pages per day otherwise you will be given warning for 2 times and if we find you are not fulfilling the target then we will ask to leave the project without any payout.
Q9 Well after completing my work when about my salary will be given?
Bravo! It sounds good your work will be measured daily basis and once one month will over then we will take 2-3 days for final measurement of work then as per quality your salary will be disbursed along with training fee which has been charged during training.
Q10 How far my employment will stable with this organization?
It’s sensible question then I would like to tell you once again that it’s our initial effort to give employment to you later we will bring ample kind of project and vice versa we will keep train you for our upcoming project hence we can say in one word that we can keep giving you work till you maintain your quality, punctuality, discipline and obedience.
Hope we could able to answer all question which may arise in your mind before joining with us! However if you have any more questions apart then you may feel free to contact with us whenever you wish.

Ravi Kumar
Well Friends i Ravi, announcing with good sound to serve our innovative effort for ample source of info....!!! We say its' "Infoworld" that published one innovative website"vahanmitra.in"

Sanjay Arayan
I am Sanjay Chourasia, above all said by our aspirant community i also oblige to announce finally we have done a small info portal to begin your search....i really amazed and shall lead our deed for our visitors!!! We say "Infoworld" further we announced to publish a future teller site "vahanmitra.in"

Deepak Mishra
I am Deepak Mishra, its' pleasure to announce that we are going to publish a website which will cater your future prediction to success in your life. Begining of our creation leads to our innovative and aspirants community !!! that said to be "Infoworld"